which of the following would create a natural monopoly

Prevent unreasonable monopolies. b.increasing marginal cost. 2.In the beginning stage,pollution increases due to urbanization and industrialization C) economies of scale. Which of the following would create a natural monopoly? ∙ 2013-03-21 22:54:54. D) Economies of scale exist to only a very low level of output. Without this constant innovation, a natural monopoly could easily be usurped. See answer (1) Best Answer. Answer. A natural monopoly is a distinct type of monopoly that may arise when there are extremely high fixed costs of distribution, such as exist when large-scale infrastructure is required to ensure supply. D. Question. The four key characteristics of monopoly are: (1) a single firm selling all output in a market, (2) a unique product, (3) restrictions on entry into and exit out of the industry, and more often than not (4) specialized information about production techniques unavailable to other potential producers. By making consumers aware of product differences, sellers exert . Since the company usually owns the existing power lines either on poles or underground, it . the natural monopoly doesn't make a huge profit. A monopoly market is divided into the following forms. 26) When the government makes a firm the exclusive legal provider of a good or service, it grants the . A) almost free from competition and firms earn large profits. The complexity, regulation, licensing, and large start-up costs make this a natural monopoly. Click the box with a check mark for correct answers and click to empty the box for the wrong answers. Examples include the likes of utilities and train lines. Which of the following statements in the context of income-environment relationship is correct? For example, India has a monopoly in mica production. . a)technology enabling a single firm to produce at a lower average cost than two or more firms. Legal Monopoly. The result may be that there is only room in a market for one firm to fully exploit the economies of scale that are available and therefore achieve productive efficiency. Natural monopolies tend to form in industries where there are high fixed costs. In the absence of government intervention, a monopoly is free to set any price it chooses and will usually set the price that yields the largest possible profit. Average total cost. A natural monopoly occurs when the quantity demanded is less than the minimum quantity it takes to be at the bottom of the long-run average cost curve. Which of the following is a characteristic of a natural monopoly? 1. A) network externalities. b. A natural monopoly is a market where a single seller can provide the output because of its size. C) increasing average total costs. a good or a service is lower due to economies of scale. It is created due to the ownership of some natural resources. ANSWER: c. they know they cannot achieve the same low costs that the monopolist enjoys. Create public ownership of natural monopolies. Average fixed cost. The electricity company is experiencing diseconomies of scale. This typically happens when fixed costs are large relative to variable costs. If antitrust regulators split this company . So this question just talking about what happens if a firm is a natural monopoly, right? the process shall describe design redundancies and safety strategies.. The start-up cost of natural monopoly firms is very high. . What is a natural monopoly? Question 11. For a natural monopoly, the average total cost continues to shrink as output increases. A natural monopoly will maximize profits by producing at the quantity where marginal revenue (MR) equals marginal costs (MC) and by then looking to the market demand curve to see what price to charge for this quantity. Monopoly Example #1 - Railways. A natural monopoly arises when a firm 's marginal cost remains constant - instead of the usual increasing marginal cost - throughout the range of market demand . . It arises because of factors such as good location, old establishment, goodwill of the firm and ownership of natural resources. What is a Natural Monopoly. This will be at output Qm and Price Pm. tell a natural monopoly that it must set a price equal to marginal cost. E)is the same as the natural monopoly's demand curve. Although governments allow their existence, they regulate them . This lesson will explain the theory of natural monopolies and examine the use of subsidies and price controls to promote a more socially optimal outcome in such industries. The infrastructural costs are so high that two . 46. B)Monopolies have perfectly inelastic demand for the product sold. Example 1. A publisher faces the following demand schedule for the next novel from one of its popular authors: Price Quantity Demanded $100 0 novels 90 100,000 80 200,000 70 300,000 60 400,000 50 500,000 40 600,000 30 700,000 20 800,000 10 900,000 0 1,000,000 A) : 1226233. C) increasing average total costs. It wasn't a monopoly, but a monopsony—it could force book sellers to push their prices down, down, down. Copy. Natural monopoly analysis The following graph shows the demand (D) for electricity services in the imaginary town of Utilityburg. Red area = Supernormal Profit (AR-AC) * Q. B) a natural monopoly. If the goal of government regulators of a natural monopoly is to reduce deadweight loss without subsidizing the monopolist, government regulators would set a price equal to: answer choices. (ii) The firm's product does not have close substitutes. C) requirement of a government license before the firm can sell the good or service. Transcribed image text: Which (if any) of the following scenários is the result of a natural monopoly? A) requirement of a government license before the firm can sell the good or service B) technology enabling a single firm to produce at a lower average cost than two or more firms . 11. There are four types of competition in a free market system: perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly. A natural monopoly arises when average costs are declining over the range of production that satisfies market demand. If antitrust regulators split this company . It would not be a sole decision of the firm, but the government can make that happen by force. A natural monopoly occurs whenever an industry is high, and its market shared among two or more rival plants owning duplicate distribution . Those consumers who pay the fee are subsequently allowed to buy as much product as they want at $15 per unit (the MC price). Legal Monopoly. Intelligent . It makes sense to have just one company providing a network of water pipes and sewers because there are . c. The product sold is a natural resource such as diamonds or water. C) The firm is not protected by any barrier to entry. To define a monopoly, we cite the following characteristics: (i) The firm is the sole seller of its product. The theory of natural monopoly is an economic fiction. A natural monopoly is a type of monopoly that occurs due to high fixed costs and a need to achieve extreme economies of scale. Compared to a competitive market, the monopolist increases price and reduces output. However, an interesting component of the software industry is the rapid rate at which technology advances. 2.In the beginning stage,pollution increases due to urbanization and industrialization A natural monopoly will maximize profits by producing at the quantity where marginal revenue (MR) equals marginal costs (MC) and by then looking to the market demand curve to see what price to charge for this quantity. a. Which of the following would create a natural monopoly? D) patented the market. These are some of the most famous monopolies, mainly for historical significance, Carnegie Steel Company created by Andrew Carnegie (now U.S. Steel). d. A natural monopoly is a company that is subject to economic regulation by the government because it produces a product that is critical to national security . Which of the following statements in the context of income-environment relationship is correct? 119126. Ibid., p. 126. C)is in a market with legal barriers to entry. Fixed costs are typically a small portion of total costs. Natural Monopoly-When a monopoly arises due to natural conditions, it falls under the category of a monopoly market. c.decreasing average revenue. Figure 11.3 Regulatory Choices in Dealing with Natural Monopoly A natural monopoly will maximize profits by producing at the quantity where marginal revenue (MR) equals marginal costs (MC) and by then looking to the market demand curve to see what price to charge for this quantity. Those consumers who pay the fee are subsequently allowed to buy as much product as they want at $15 per unit (the MC price). Local or Geographical Monopoly-This monopoly is due to the location of a town. 2 Patent holders of genetically modified seeds are permitted to sue . On the following graph, use the . In this study note we explore the key concept of natural monopoly. Just being a monopoly need not make an enterprise more profitable than other enterprises that face competition . Blue area = Deadweight welfare loss (combined loss of producer and consumer surplus . Answer. 1.pollution trends tend to follow an inverse U shaped relationship across different stages of economic development. It arises due to such provision as patents, copy rights, trade marks, etc. No such thing as a "natural" monopoly has ever existed. A natural monopoly will maximize profits by producing at the quantity where marginal revenue (MR) equals marginal costs (MC) and by then looking to the market demand curve to see what price to charge for this quantity. Whichever chapter is talking about Monopoly. An example of a natural monopoly is the power company that delivers electricity to homes and businesses. Monopoly Example #6 - Patents. Wiki User. A natural monopoly poses a difficult challenge for competition policy, because the structure of costs and demand makes competition unlikely or costly. A firm is a natural monopoly if it exhibits the following as its output increases: a.decreasing marginal revenue. A natural monopoly is a type of monopoly that exists typically due to the high start-up costs or powerful economies of scale of conducting a business in a specific industry which can result in . 2) The statement is: False. In order for a monopoly to exist in this case, the government must have intervened and created it. If antitrust regulators split this company . 45 seconds. Firm… D)is the natural monopoly's supply curve. It is created due to sole ownership and management by the government. Monopoly Example #5 - Google. True or False: Without government regulation, natural monopolies can earn positive profit in the long run. Explanation: 1) Natural monopolies appear when only one company provides a good or service without the intention of taking over the market. A company with a natural monopoly might be the only provider or a product or service in an industry or geographic location. The following diagram can help to illustrate just why. Natural Monopoly. B)a natural monopoly. Instead, it is a . Answer:B Topic: Natural monopoly Skill: Level 1: Definition Objective: Checkpoint 14.1 Author: SB 8) If a single firm can meet the entire market demand at a lower average total cost than a larger number of smaller firms, the single firm is A)price discriminating. Figure 6.1 Natural Monopoly. Definition: A natural monopoly occurs when the most efficient number of firms in the industry is one. Which of the following is true of a natural monopoly? A natural monopoly is a monopoly in an industry in which it is most efficient for production to be concentrated in a single firm e.g. Monopoly: In business terms, a monopoly refers to a sector or industry dominated by one corporation, firm or entity. The following are illustrative examples of a monopoly. This monopoly will produce at point A, with a quantity of 4 and a price of 9.3. A natural monopolist can produce the entire output for the market at a cost lower than what it would be if there were multiple firms operating in the market. Natural monopolies. Monopoly Example #2 - Luxottica. The history of the so-called public utility concept is that the late 19th and early 20th . . d. All of the above are correct. Monopoly Graph. 47. b)requirement of a government license before the firm can sell the good or service. Credit: B. Posner. All of the other options are correct. A legal monopoly arises when a company receives a patent giving it exclusive use of an invented product or process for a limited time, generally twenty years. o The electricity company is experiencing economies of scale. Examples of infrastructure include cables and grids for electricity supply, pipelines for gas and water supply, and networks for rail and underground. A natural monopoly can produce at an allocative efficiency quantity if the government force the firm to do it. d.decreasing average total cost. D. Question. They inhibit competition, but they're legal because they're important to society. D) patented the market. If antitrust regulators split this company . Examples of infrastructure include cables and grids for electricity supply, pipelines for gas and water supply, and networks for rail and underground. A natural monopoly occurs when a firm enjoys extensive economies of scale in its production process. a. requirement of a government license before the firm can sell the good or service b. technology enabling a single firm to produce at a lower average cost than two or more firms c. an exclusive right granted to supply a good or service d. ownership of all the available units of a . This fee establishes who is in the market. E)a discriminatory monopoly. This monopoly will produce at point A, with a quantity of 4 and a price of 9.3. B)is unique. B) an exclusive right granted to supply a good or service. Monopoly Example #3 -Microsoft. Answer:B Topic: Natural monopoly Skill: Level 2: Using definitions Objective: Checkpoint 14.1 Author: SA 17) Which of the following is an example of a natural monopoly? The following information is from Toni Mack, "Power to the People," Forbes, June 5, 1995, pp. This situation, when economies of scale are large relative to the quantity demanded in the market, is called a natural monopoly. Which of the following is one of the purposes of antitrust laws? See more.. Technical and policy research on these technologies occurs through the. 1.pollution trends tend to follow an inverse U shaped relationship across different stages of economic development. Average total cost declines over large regions of output. Top 8 Examples of Monopoly in Real Life. Reduce costs and raise efficiency by increasing merger activities. ANSWER: The defining characteristic of a natural monopoly is when a firm can supply a good or service to an entire market at a smaller cost than could two or more firms. A natural monopoly is a type of monopoly that exists due to the high start-up costs or powerful economies of scale of conducting a business in a specific industry. The following diagram can help to illustrate just why. Instructions: You may select more than one answer. There is no other business that offers . Pick one of them and, in a short report (minimum 100 words), please discuss the following: It is created deliberately for welfare motive. Directly regulate the prices in a monopoly. In other words, the natural monopoly is allowed to charge something we could call an admittance fee. Before this extra fee, a price of $15 caused the monopolist to lose $400 in . This monopoly will produce at point A, with a quantity of 4 and a price of 9.3. A monopoly is a firm that dominates a market such that competition is limited or non-existent. In other words, it is only economically viable for one business to serve the market. The disadvantages of a natural monopoly are as follows-. It arises due to such provision as patents, copy rights, trade marks, etc. I should comment here that the textbook lumps natural monopoly in with other barriers to entry, and while it can potentially be thought of as a barrier, it is not one that is created by a market-power-seeking firm. TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 15. After watching this lesson, read and respond to the discussion questions for the following blog post: Monopoly prices - to regulate or not to regulate, that is the question! SURVEY. Which of the following would create a natural monopoly? I kept coming back to these three—Google, Facebook, and Amazon. 19)Which of the following statements is correct? Monopoly Example #7 - AT&T. Introduction. I should comment here that the textbook lumps natural monopoly in with other barriers to entry, and while it can potentially be thought of as a barrier, it is not one that is created by a market-power-seeking firm. The graph also shows the marginal revenue (MR) curve, the marginal cost (MC) curve, and the average total cost (ATC) curve for the local electricity company, a natural monopolist. Google has an 88 percent market share in search advertising and an 80-plus percent market share in Android. A) The firm can supply the entire market at a lower cost than could two or more firms. Average variable cost. A natural monopoly 's cost structure is very different from that of most industries. Credit: B. Posner. If the technology for producing a good enables one firm to meet the entire market demand at a lower price than two or more firms could, then that firm has. From the late 19th century to the early time of the 20th century, Carnegie Steel Company maintained singular control over the supply of steel over the market. A natural monopoly is a monopoly that exists because of the cost of producing the product i.e. This fee establishes who is in the market. Key Takeaways. All have extraordinary market shares. B) a natural monopoly. A) a legal barrier to entry. 6 Disadvantages. As such, a monopoly is often considered an economic problem that degrades the health of an industry. Question 2. The firm will normally incurr in losses under these circumstances, the government might ofer a compensation to the firm such that the firm . c)an exclusive right granted to supply a good or service. D) control of a key resource. A firm with high fixed costs requires a large number of customers in order to have a . In a particular market, a monopoly firm occurs if a single firm can serve that market at a cheaper price than any combination of more than two firms.. A "cost function" is a function between input costs and output amount whose value is the cost of producing that product given those input costs.It would be frequently used by companies to reduce costs and maximize production efficiency through . A natural monopoly is a monopoly in an industry in which it is most efficient for production to be concentrated in a single firm. Group of answer choices. A software company which is a natural monopoly should constantly stay up to date with technology and systems that are being introduced into the market. This monopoly will produce at point A, with a quantity of 4 and a price of 9.3. It may also be defined as when goods are excludable, but non rival (see . And what are the causes of monopoly? Well, the first cause a monopoly is that there is barrier to entry. It arises because of factors such as good location, old establishment, goodwill of the firm and ownership of a natural resource.

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