oscilloscope and function generator lab report conclusion

Time on Square Period 3. job of the electrical engineer and technician. Math Menu Displays the waveform math. Because the oscilloscope allows the user to see the signal(s), their characteristics can be easily measured and observed. 1) Measuring the sine wave. Step One : Function Generator setup. Without adequate bandwidth, an oscilloscope will not be able to display and measure high-frequency changes. the voltages using Oscilloscope 6 Conclusion If voltage leads current then the circuit is inductive. The test report includes comprehensive pass/fail and margin analysis. Practical conclusion for oscilloscope and function generator operation assistance company operating 24/7/365. 1. Function Generator Ch 1 Ch 2 C R Oscilloscope Figure 5: Setup for measurement of fast time constant. 10. Use the multimeter and oscilloscope to measure (R1= 10KΩ, R2= 100Ω, R3= 1KΩ. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this lab is to learn the basic operation of a function generator and an oscilloscope. in Figure 2. The scope can also be used to set the amplitude of the function generator since most function generators simply have an amplitude control with no level indicators. Set the scope to x-y mode making sure that x(Ch 1) is the bulb voltage and y(Ch 2) is the voltage across the resistor. . Reductions and bonuses for newcomers and loyal customers. The oscilloscope and the Function Generator al affiliation: Introduction The purpose of this experiment, essentially, was to study and become familiar with function generators and oscilloscope. 1 to study blockwise construction of a analog oscilloscope & function generator. APPARATUS: CRO, Function generator. The circuit is shown below. amplifier receives its input from the function generator and displays its output on the oscilloscope. INTRODUCTION TO OSCILLOSCOPE AND FUNCTION GENERATOR. The signal that you measure will be the default signal supplied by the arbitrary/function generator. Turn. 1 / Oscilloscope and Function Generator Operation. You can copy the signal seen on the oscilloscope and paste it into your lab report so that you don't have to draw it by hand. LAB 1. After the scope completes its internal tests, press the \Clear When measuring high-frequency or fast rise-time signals, oscilloscope bandwidth is especially critical. Turn on a function generator. The sweep generator is initiated by a triggelater laboratory experiment. Connect the circuit shown in Fig. The single most important diagnostic tool used by experimental physicists is the oscilloscope. The digital ones will take a few seconds to complete internal tests, but the analog ones will be ready right away. Display the output on Ch.1 of the oscilloscope by making a direct connection between the oscilloscope and function generator. The HP33120A Function . Function Generators And Oscilloscope. Objective: To measure the frequency and amplitude of a signal generator through function generator on an oscilloscope. 3)Measure the AC to DC phase shift. 2. 1. STEP ONE: Set the oscilloscope controls as follows (Figure 1): Figure 1: Digital oscilloscope. Both the scope and the function generator are built to withstand some Introduction to oscilloscope and function generator lab report. As an example, if we are given the phasor V = 5/36o, the expression for v(t) in the time domain is v(t) = 5 cos(ωt + 36o), since we are using the cosine function for our sinusoidal reference function. A DVM is really a universal meter which can also measure current (both dc and ac . An oscilloscope is an electronic measuring device which provides a two-dimensional visual representation of a signal. EE 101 Lab Exercise 5: Introduction to the Oscilloscope and Function Generator Hitachi Scope . 2. 4. Spring 2020 CSE-206 ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT LAB. Set the function generator to output a 1 kHz, 4 V pp sine wave. Be on conclusion of oscilloscope and function generator lab report top rated of the competition, bringing your A-video game on the courtroom with the assist of a professionally published personalized assertion for school!Remember to Use Our Provider If You're: Wishing for a special insight into a issue subject for your subsequent person exploration Lab Report 2 RLC Circuits Author: Muhammad Obaidullah 1030313 Mirza Mohsin 1005689 . Use the function generator, breadboard, oscilloscope and any necessary wires to measure the frequency and amplitude of a ~100Hz sine wave at 25%-50% maximum amplitude. Oscilloscope and function generator lab report conclusion. View unit 2 lab report.docx from physics 241 at university of arizona. Submitted by: AYAZ MEHMOOD Registration No: 18PWCSE Class Section: A "On my honor, as student of University of Engineering and Technology, I have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance on this academic work." Where: t d is the delay between waveforms and t p is the period of the waveforms. The 2) Measure Voltage as a function of frequency--Oscilloscope. on the oscilloscope and adjust the . frequency. Turn on the digitaloscilloscope. We then set the scale to 1V/Div. Theory a. A. The phase difference, in degrees, can be determined using the equation: Φ = t d /t p × 360 = 10 ns/100 ns × 360º = 36º. Check-off each step as you complete it. 2. Linear . FIG: Block diagram of Cro 2. We had to do several things with this equipment. The Function Generator. Plot what you see on the oscilloscope screen. RC Time Constants In this section, the oscilloscope will be used to measure the time constant of RC circuits; With our voltmeter, the power supply is set to 2V and saw that the deflection was on screen. Part 2: Determination of Magnitude of the B Field as a Function of Distance from the Wire 1. 9-12 3 to study measurement of different components and parameters like q of a coil using lcr q-meter. Also see one and function generator is a report should consider to lab report will need a control functions can handle, ask for is? In the function generator set the frequency to 1 kHz and heat output voltage to 10. See the application examples in the AFG 2021 Manual for more specific details. Since each lab group will turn in an electronic copy of the lab report, be sure to rename the lab report template file. Also see one and function generator is a report should consider to lab report will need a control functions can handle, ask for is? Conclusions This concludes Lab 3. The CRO stands for a cathode ray oscilloscope. Major Equipment in the Lab 1. Make sure that R8, the amplitude knob, is adjusted such that there is no . Introduction. 1. INTRODUCTION. Figure 2 Measuring time delay between the same phase point on two waveforms using oscilloscope cursors. using the voltmeter set the generator's output to 5 volts (rms). The scope is a Tektronix 465B that is rated to handle at least 5MHz. To investigate how the oscilloscope works in this first experiment, we will need to give it a test input signal. Figure 4 measures the voltage over the resistor but in this case one of the grounds is one side of the capacitor and the other is on the opposite side of the capacitor. Attach this cable directly to the probe coming from CH1 on the oscilloscope. The vertical axis on the grid represents the voltage of Gatineau Oscilloscope and function generator lab report Surrey Becancour need someone to write dissertation conclusion on lifestyle for $10 Manitoba what is it the author want us to understand . Set the Figure 5: The Signal Generator It is important to understand the function of all of the dials and switches on the signal generator. You can use AFGs to simply generate a series of basic test signals, . An Arbitrary/Function Generator (AFG) is an electronic test instrument that generates a wide variety of electrical signals. The resulting oscilloscope display, when scope and function generator parameters are set appropriately, yields a time domain waveform in which the time corresponds to the frequency currently being input. generator and the oscilloscope, properly. simplify this lab, the MSO/DPO2000 Series oscilloscope's 1 MΩ high input impedance will be connected to the 50 Ω output impedance of the AFG3000 . The function generator is made by BK Precision and is labeled as a 5MHz generator. The scope can also be used to set the amplitude of the function generator since most function generators simply have an amplitude control with no level indicators. The 1X probe is connected to Channel 1 and set to AUTO. It is typically divided into four sections which are display, vertical controllers, horizontal controllers, and Triggers. Equipment and Parts List Function Generator Oscilloscope DC Power supply Digital Multimeter Connecting wires Resistors: 10K (2), 5K0(2) Experiment 1-Function Verification with the Oscilloscope 1. . Include these screenshots in your lab report and record the measurements in Table 3. Ground the oscilloscope and set the \AMPLITUDE" of the Function Generator to MIN after completing this exercise. andf=+ = Exp. Have a lab TA verify this. Procedures P1. (Lab #3) Function Generator and Oscilloscope In this lab you learn how to use the oscilloscope and function generator. Connect a BNC-to-alligator clip cable to the output of the function generator. Remember that the goal of this lab is to learn to use the equipment with proficiency, (Model: 4011). Since oscilloscope is a measuring device, the coaxial cables with BNC are employed to apply an AC signal. Receive your lab, chicago, get your email inbox 3 and accurately. The probes are then connected and the VOLTS/DIV are set to 1V. EXPERIMENT 2 THE OSCILLOSCOPE AND AC MEASUREMENTS. 1. Return-of-funds promise. Use the 'high' sine curve output of the Function Generator so you can get about two volts across the bulb. Connect the function generator output directly to one of the inputs of the oscilloscope. Determine the peak load current when the input amplitude is 50 mV peak. the voltage of the capacitor. The Digital Multimeter C. Function Generator D. The Protoboard E. MultiSim F. LabView G. MatLab 2 Theory Throughout this experiment there are a number of important terms and equations that are used and must be known. The digital ones will take a few seconds to complete internal tests, but the analog ones will be ready right away. a. Some of the power supply are in use designed and fabricated technical staff of the department. Unformatted text preview: Lab 1 - The oscilloscope and function generator Introduction and aim Since oscilloscopes and feature generators are used in so many experiments in the specialized laboratories, it is helpful to understand how they work.Function generators are signal generators that generate a particular voltage applied over a specific time, such as a sine or triangle wave signal. common ground. 1. Review the function generator manual in the lab to become familiar with the operationand controls of the function generator. Equipment a. Breadboard b. 2. Setup. In this lab you learn how to use the oscilloscope and function generator 2. Connect the inductor coil to the oscilloscope. the oscilloscope can be used to precisely set the output frequency. • Develop and. 3. 2. The Function Generator display should indicate a small sine wave. Figure 2: The front panel of the WaveAce 2014 Digital Oscilloscope. However, and no doubt tilt. Turn the generator to maximum amplitude. Digital multimeters (Mastech ,Vartech) 3. Here we are measuring the peak to peak voltage across the resistor using the oscilloscope. Set the frequency of waveform generator to 1.2 kHz and make sure that it is set to output a sinusoidal wave. Lab 2 - Introduction to Op Amps. 1. This experiment will lead you through the steps on using an oscilloscope to measure the output of a DC power supply and the output of a function generator and then to utilize the oscilloscope to measure the time dependent properties of a simple RC circuit. Select the sinusoidal function by pressing the button with the Sine wave on it. Make - Enova, Aplab etc. In the function generator set the frequency to 1 kHz and heat output voltage to 10. Multisim provides these tools (Simulate > Instruments), so we can repeat the above procedure as we would with real lab instruments. The main component of the scope is the cathode-ray tube, or CRT. View Lab Report Experiment #4 Superposition.pdf from ENGINEERIN EE 22100 at The City College of New York, CUNY. BACKGROUND 1. If time permits, you are . Electrical Engineering questions and answers. We will gain a working knowledge of a function generator, an oscilloscope, and a. Electrical Engineering. Locate the Function Generator on your lab bench and turn the power on. Oscilloscopes are used to view time varying electrical signals and are widely used when working with electronic devices. v(t) = 4 cos(2 * pi * 1000t + 0) volts (1) Using the cursors. Carmel, chicago citation generator to write a powerful yet to generate references, field. The oscilloscope displays a graph of voltage (on the vertical axis) versus time (on the horizontal axis). You will now analyze the duty cycle of this square wave. Wire cutters c. Wires d. Oscilloscope e. Function Generator f. 1k resistor x 2 h. Various connectors (banana plugs-to-alligator clips) for connecting breadboard to Turn on a function generator. This experiment should give you some practical experience in the use of the . I. Turn on the digitaloscilloscope. An oscilloscope (scope for short) can be used to "see" an electrical signal by displaying a replica of a voltage signal as a . The most noteworthy attribute of an (ideal) oscilloscope is that it does not affect the quantity being measured. Select the 0 dB (attenuation button IN) and the WAVEFORM to sinusoidal. 2. In this lab, you will use the HP 33120A Function Generator to generate voltage signals and you will use the HP 54645D oscilloscope to graph those signals. Rise Time, Fall Time, Delay and Phase Difference. banana cables furnished in the lab. 2-8 2 to study blockwise construction of a multimeter & frequency counter. 3. Chemistry Lab Report Help — Lab report conclusion generator essay - thenick.org. Set the function generator FREQUENCY knob to 1 and the RANGE to x1k. • Press in the button on the front panel with the sine wave picture. Difference between function generator and oscilloscope. This was aimed at facilitating the appreciation of the important difference that exists between them. 2)Explore the triggering functions. . : Turn on the function generator and use the control knobs to produce a 1 kHz (1000 Hz) sinusoidal waveform with an amplitude of 2V pp. Equipment & Materials: a. Breadboard b. Wire cutters c. Wires d. Oscilloscope e. Function Generator f. 1k resistor x 2 h. Various connectors (banana plugs-to-alligator clips) for connecting breadboard to power supply and for multimeter connections. Oscilloscope Lab Report Conclusion Physics307L People Meyers Oscilloscope lab summary. EECS 100 43 Lab 2 - Function Generator and Oscilloscope. Turn on the arbitrary/function generator. Determine the gain of the amplifier and the peak -to-peak load voltage when the waveform generator settings are f = 100 Hz, amplitude = 50 mV peak. • Where it is labeled "Range," press the "500" button. Oscilloscope lab report The Writing Center. . 3 using the long wire apparatus and the sine wave generator. Place the results in Table 1. This lab is in two parts: (1) a computer simulation which will show you the basic operation of the function generator and the oscilloscope, and (2) some simple laboratory measurements you can make with the oscilloscope. 2. 1 1/12/2007 Introduction to the Function Generator and the Oscilloscope . The most obvious feature of the oscilloscope is a screen divided into many squares by an overlying grid (for a digital oscilloscope, the grid only appears when the device is on, of course). Adjust the settings of the function generator to produce a 5.0V peak­to­peak (pp) sinusoidal wave with a frequency of3.0 kHz. No cost proofreading and enhancing providers. The goal of the lab report is to compare and contrast our different measuring frequency measuring techniques. Compare your measured value with the product of RC obtained from the individual values of R and However, and no doubt tilt. Lab 4: Multisim and the Oscilloscope In a lab setting, our AC voltage source is called a function generator and we view AC voltage waveforms with an oscilloscope (often abbreviated as oscope). Introduction to the Function Generator and the Oscilloscope EE 442 Lab Experiment No. They include: a dc power supply, a waveform generator, a digital voltmeter ( DVM ), and a digital oscilloscope. for the sinusoidal function. Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to become familiar with an oscilloscope and function generator. TAKE CARE TO CONNECT THE BANANA TO BNC CONNECTOR WITH THE GND TAB ON THE GROUND TERMINAL OF THE POWER . The easiest way to do this is to connect one end of a BNC patch cord to the function generator FGEN and the other to the oscilloscope CH This connects the generator's ground and signal terminals to the scope's ground and terminals. m. Input resistance and capacitance: n. Probe: ##### Part 2. The oscilloscope can be used to measure the different properties of signals. and a frequency of 1 Khz (see equation 1) displayed on the oscilloscope. It is generally recommended that the oscilloscope's bandwidth be at least 5 times the highest frequency that needs to be measured. Notice that the ground of the function generator and the ground of the oscilloscope are next to each other in the circuit diagram. Introduction. and the oscilloscope, which can be used to measure and characterize these signals. II. THE AGILENT 33220A FUNCTION GENERATOR (Image courtesy http . Both the scope and the function generator are built to withstand some 2014 Digital Oscilloscope and the Tektronix AFG2021 Function Generator). Place the inductor coil on the platform as shown in Fig. In Fig. Unformatted text preview: Lab 1 - The oscilloscope and function generator Introduction and aim Since oscilloscopes and feature generators are used in so many experiments in the specialized laboratories, it is helpful to understand how they work.Function generators are signal generators that generate a particular voltage applied over a specific time, such as a sine or triangle wave signal. We can analyze the waveform by plotting amplitude along with the x-axis and y-axis. Obviously the output is nowhere close to a square wave. All experiments in the laboratory will be performed at a test bench which has several basic electronic instruments permanently installed. Oscilloscope Lab . essential for the. TAKE CARE TO CONNECT THE BANANA TO BNC CONNECTOR WITH THE GND TAB ON THE GROUND TERMINAL OF THE POWER . Without adequate bandwidth, an oscilloscope will not be able to display and measure high-frequency changes. Select the output from the first op-amp (the square wave). It is generally recommended that the oscilloscope's bandwidth be at least 5 times the highest frequency that needs to be measured. To accomplish this, we will be using a signal generator like the one pictured below. STEP ONE: Set the oscilloscope controls as follows (Figure 1): Figure 1: Digital oscilloscope. A coaxial cable with BNC (Figure 2) is illustrated in Figure 2. 4)Measure the fall time of the oscilloscope. 4. LABORATORY 1 WRITEUP PHYSICS 517 617 Prof L S . Certainly all scientists and engineers should be familiar with this common instrument, shown in the Fig. INTRODUCTION. lab manual(v sem ece) page 2 list of experiments s.no. Lab 1: The Digital Oscilloscope Object : To become familiar with the oscilloscope, a ubiquitous instrument for observing . After the scope completes its internal tests, press the \Clear It helps to solve problems of malfunctioning components of a project by observing the expected output after a specific component. 2. A coaxial cable with BNC (Figure 2) is illustrated in Figure 2. The oscilloscopes are equipped with a set of horizontal and vertical cursors to aid in . We attached the two together with BNC cables the output of the the wave generator to the channel 1. Repeat for a ~750Hz square wave. Part Two: Measuring the Output of the Function Generator 1. The two most important groups are the horizontal controls and the vertical controls (Figure 1). Figure 5: The Signal Generator It is important to understand the function of all of the dials and switches on the signal generator. Unlike the scope, the Function Generator output voltage does not have to be grounded. LAB # 02. You will build a circuit that takes an input signal from the function generator, modifies that signal in some way, and outputs the modified signal. Procedure: PART A We begin by measuring DC voltage with an oscilloscope. The oscilloscope is an electronic instrument widely used in making electronic measurements. Answer the following questions in your lab report: 1. or personal experience. Experiment l-Function Verification with the Oscilloscope 1. Verify that the sine wave displayed on the oscilloscope has the same frequency (period) and magnitude as the sine wave displayed on the function generator. 3. Connect the function generator's OUTPUT to the oscilloscope's CH 1 input. Using the proto-board and wire leads connect the resistor, capacitor, and inductor along with the output of the function generator to construct the circuit shown in Figure 1. ECE 212 S10 / Lab 6 11 Part Two: Analyzing the Function Generator 1. Operative supply of is effective. PROCEDURE Part I - The Function Generator • Turn on the function generator. Using a BNC-to-alligator cable, connect the oscilloscope probe tip to the red lead from the function generator and the probe's ground clip to the black lead . Cathode ray oscilloscope (Scientech) 4. Explain how connecting the ground connections of each channel of an oscilloscope to different nodes in a test circuit can cause issues with your circuit.

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