can you have two female godparents catholic church

2. One Confirmed Catholic is required. Can a non-Catholic serve as a godparent? The Church loves the old ladies! A godparent must normally be an appropriate person, at least sixteen years of age, a confirmed Catholic who has received the Eucharist, not under any canonical penalty, and may not be the parent of the child.Someone who belongs to another Christian church cannot become a godparent but can be a 'witness' in . This obligation is considered to be grave and only grave and reasonable causes excuse from its observance, e.g., the baptism would have to be conferred for . Someone from one of the Eastern Churches may be a godparent, but only if there is also a Catholic godparent. Last Update 02.04.21. Click to see full answer. • One godparent is required. A sponsor also helps the baptized person to lead a. ZOE62ney. A service sheet will be handed out with the words the godparents need to say usually printed in bold. Non-baptized persons may not serve as a godparent. 3. Can the same godparents have responsibility for more than one child in . For Baptism, every child must have at least one Godparent and no more than two Godparents. If neither of the godparents is Catholic, this . Another Christian person may witness the Baptism along with the Catholic godparent. The two godparents don't have to be married to each other, but there can only be one male sponsor or one female sponsor, or one of each. In addition, the godparent or sponsor is to be chosen by the person to . According to Canon Law, a godparent must have received the three Sacraments of Initiation, be a practising Christian and be aged 16 or more. You can have two Godparents , one of each sex. It is necessary to have one godparent who is a Catholic. If there are two godparents, one must be male and one female. The other can be a godparent if . The church states (Catholic) that by Canon law only two godparents are permitted. Those that are not practicing Christians, can have as many or as few as they like, though it is customary to have at least one godfather and one godmother. The church gives a number of other specific criteria for the selection of godparents. You will need to be an initiated Catholic person. A: A godparent is someone who helps a child grow in the faith, especially by example. Consequently, whether a Catholic is marrying a Catholic or a baptized non-Catholic Christian, the normal expectation is for the marriage to take place in the Catholic Church. Godparents - can you have more than two? Edward McIlmail, LC. According to the most ancient custom of the Church no one may be solemnly baptized unless, insofar as it is possible, he has his own sponsor. Their names are recorded on the Baptismal Certificate. St. Scholastica Catholic Church Guidelines for Godparent Eligibility for Baptism . HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH WHARTON, TX CANONICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR BAPTISM SPONSORS (GODPARENTS) The Code of Canon Law (1983) of the Roman Catholic Church requires that: Canon 873: "There is to be only one male sponsor or one female sponsor or one of each." Canon 874 §1: "To be permitted to take on the function of a sponsor a person must: A Godparent/sponsor must be a Sacramentally Confirmed Catholic who has already received Holy Communion. The church states (Catholic) that by Canon law only two godparents are permitted. No! According to the Instructions of the Catholic Church, "One Sponsor, male or female, is sufficient; but there may be two, one of each sex." [Canon Law # 873] No one can have more than two Godparents, nor can anyone have two Godparents of the same sex. I was would ideally like to have my bother and his wife and my partners sister and her husband as godparents (4 in total). . Simi larly , a Catholic is not forbidden to be a sponsor in an Eastern Orthodox Church, if he or she is so invited. I was not married, nor was some of my children's godparents. You can look for two godparents, or there can be a total of four, two men and two women. If your sister is in a same-sex relationship, she is living in a situation that is objectively and blatantly against Church teaching. Provided that there is also a Catholic godparent, a sponsor. Must have membership in a Catholic parish. Yes, as long as they take seriously their responsibility and intention to help the children grow in faith. I was would ideally like to have my bother and his wife and my partners sister and her husband as godparents (4 in total). The main concern of the Church is that the parents, supported by the godparents, will ensure that the child be raised and instructed in the Catholic faith. . The godparent name is entered into the parish record book as the "official" godparent or sponsor for baptism. You don't have to be married to be godparent either. Likewise, a Catholic can only . B. The answer is still, no you don't have to be married. We usually pick a "great" aunt and an aunt. Answer (1 of 3): Here are Canon Laws regarding God parents They must be 16 years or older There must be one an and one woman One must be an actively participating Catholic The other if not Catholic must be a baptized Christian. If Single, not cohabiting. 1. Finally they must be willing to submit all the completed paperwork, prior to the ceremony. A Godparent/sponsor should be at least 16 years old. 2. It can be intimidating to return to the Catholic Church after years away and not know where to begin to repair the relationship that was broken so long ago. Must have membership in a Catholic parish. Another Christian person may witness the Baptism along with the Catholic godparent. One of those two may serve as Christian Witness. The role of godparent becomes official upon baptism of the child in question. In . However, if you wish to have two godparents, there must be one male and one female. This record cannot be changed. The canonical requirements for godparents for Baptism and sponsors for Confirmation are the following: Must be a Catholic who is baptized and confirmed. I have turned. -now if you mean married to each other or married at all. If you'd like more than that, talk to your vicar about the practicalities and they'll be pleased to advise. have one godparent; however, it has been tradition to have two. Catholic: it's possible to be married outside RCC and still be godparent. A Godparent/sponsor may . If there are two sponsors, one must be Catholic. : Has anyone had their baby baptised and had more than two godparents? 12/04/2012 at 6:37 pm. Church will get all panic thinking lesbians, but clearly state names and SIL/aunt CATHOLIC status. A Christian Witness is a baptized Christian, non-Catholic. If you or someone you know is a gay or lesbian Catholic who is interested in discussing their realtionship to, or participation in, the Catholic faith community, contact the parish staff or: Director of Adult Faith Formation. are free to choose a male or a female. Here are some of the other requirements you must fulfill in order to be a godparent: Your age must at least be sixteen years old. I was wondering if anyone had done this and if so how they went . Any Catholic of good standing can be a godparent though there are the following exceptions/requirements: 1. If two are chosen, one must be male and one female and at least one must be an actively practicing Catholic. In some places, two godparents of the same sex have been allowed by individual. Everyone will gather around the font, with the parents and godparents at the front. However, if you wish to have two godparents, there must be one male and one female. Q. The Church loves the old ladies! A. Two Confirmed Catholics are recommended. The Catholic institution of godparenthood survived the Reformation largely unchanged. If neither of the godparents is Catholic, this . . The Catholic Church no longer recognizes official "proxies" at baptism. The whole christening should only take 20-30 minutes. If you tell the priest that they are two aunts you are usually good to go. If you'd like more than that, talk to your vicar about the practicalities and they'll be pleased to advise. A Godparent/sponsor may . parish office a catholic godparent is required to obtain a letter from their pastor, the godparents cannot be the parents of the child they must be at least 16 years of age if one godparent is chosen there is the possibility that a baptized christian of another denomination may take the role of a christian A Muslim is permitted to enter Churches and other houses of worship. We have plenty of dual god mothers in my catholic family. We all either know of, or are, a godparent. To be a godparent, a person must be one "who leads a life of faith in keeping with the function to be taken on" (CIC 874 §1). But, it is actually up to the priest. - Absolute baptism. They cannot be the parents of the child. If there are two Godparents, one must be a male and one must be a female. Non-catholics cannot be godparents. Answer (1 of 2): This is what the Code of Canon Law says: > Can. The role of godparent is an important one in the Catholic church. There may only be two godparents, one of each sex. Yes, as long as they take seriously their responsibility and intention to help the children grow in faith. Must be 16 years of age. Re : in the catholic church, can you have 2 godmothers ? 13) How many godparents may I have? Must regularly practice the faith. If Catholic, participates in Sunday Mass and regularly takes communion. These are the official witnesses that the child was baptized. 4. What gender should the godparent be? Non-Catholics may not serve as Catholic godparents. The godparent's faith need not be perfect or mature, but it must be valued and active. Please explain the role of godparents in Catholic baptism. THE ROLE OF THE GODPARENT 15. Traditionally a Christian child has three godparents in total; girls have two godmothers and one godfather and boys have two godfathers and one godmother. 1. Must be 16 years of age. Unfortunately the Catholic church will insist that you have your previous marriage annulled before they will allow you to receive Confirmation and that will be following at least 6-8 months of RCIA instruction. - S. Answered by Fr. Sometimes, parents want to honor (or appease) so many people that they choose six, seven or eight godparents, even though canon law allows for no more than two. But, it is actually up to the priest. The main concern of the Church is that the parents, supported by the godparents, will ensure that the child be raised and instructed in the Catholic faith. Unfortunately, some priests still allow this to happen even through it is not correct and leads to babies having no Godparents. Although there is no official maximum number of godparents, three or four is usual. A. Can a non-Catholic serve as a godparent? "The Catholic Church does not require you to have a halo. There are many reasons why it might be necessary to change a child's godparent, such as the . 42 Votes) The service. The role of a godparent is more than being a relative or friend who encourages Christian behavior. Here the Code of Canon Law wants to eliminate the practice of having numerous sponsors, as has occurred in some cultures (No. You can look for two godparents, or there can be a total of four, two men and two women. According to the instructions of the Catholic Church, "One sponsor, male or female, is sufficient; but there may be two, one of each sex." (Canon 873) No one can have more than two godparents, nor can anyone have two godparents of the same sex. No. (Photo Courtesy/Philomena Peters) The Imm… The godparent is supposed to help through the process of Baptism, and after it, to help the child live a life of goodness and following Catholic values. Becoming the godmother of your younger sister may seem the perfect blend of love and responsibility, but whether you can accept this responsibility depends on your age and situation in life. Old Catholic and Independent Catholic churches have been accepting of the LGBT community in general. Below is a list of Catholic recessional songs you can suggest to the music minister or priest. Promises to give good Christian witness and pray for the child they are . Your brother and his wife do not qualify because of their irregular marriage. There can be only one male and one female chosen per representative, so twins going through the ceremonies may have four godparents or sponsors present, but only have two each. The church requires at least one godparent who is a practicing, confirmed Catholic age 16 or older. Can you have a non-Catholic godparent? However, if a Catholic enters marriage outside of the Catholic Church without the necessary dispensation, then the marriage is considered invalid and is not recognized by the Church. Phone: 319-233-0498 • Email: If you choose only one godparent, you are free to choose a male or a female. As such, she would not be allowed to be a godparent (or sponsor). A Godparent/sponsor should be at least 16 years old. It talks about how you can have two godparents. What is a Christian Witness? Godparents may not be under the age of 16. They may serve as a Christian Witness, but not a Godparent. Canon law (#873) specifies that candidates for baptism may have a male or female sponsor, or one of each sex. A Non-Catholic godparent must be a baptized . This letter/certificate states that the godparent is a Catholic in good standing. There must be at least one Catholic godparent, but the maximum is two. 1. Here are some of the other requirements you must fulfill in order to be a godparent: Basic Guidelines and Information for Infant (to include young children) Baptism (Code of Canon Law, cc. There can be up to two godparents, a male and a female, for a single child. Can you have 2 sets of godparents in Catholic Church? Every child should have at least three godparents, two of the same sex and at least one of the opposite sex to your child. the Church does not require that a child have two sponsors, but traditionally this is what most people select - one male and one female. But you have to be making a good faith effort to be a good Catholic—to love the Lord and to grow closer to him." One male and one female. . Must be a Christian (One Godparent must be a Catholic) At least 16 years of age. We usually pick a "great" aunt and an aunt. If married, marriage was celebrated in the Catholic Church. "There is to be only one male or one female sponsor or one of each" (Canon 873). "Here's why—this is not to be mean to anybody," explains Madrid. The role of Godparents in the Catholic Church is a beautiful and important aspect of the Catholic faith. A suitable member of an Eastern Orthodox Church may be admitted as a sponsor, but only together with a Catholic sponsor, for a just cause, and as long as there is provision for the Catholic educa tion of the person to be baptized. If you tell the priest that they are two aunts you are usually good to go. The annullment could take time if it is granted. Requirements of a Godparent. Just have to follow the lifestyle now. There are many reasons why it might be necessary to change a child's godparent, such as the . Since 1983, neither the Catholic Church Canon Law, nor the Catechism of the Catholic Church make any reference to Godparents by proxy. The role of godparent becomes official upon baptism of the child in question. Answer (1 of 3): We are Pagan,our children don't have God parents,our grandchildren don't have God parents,they have "guardians",these people speak an oath to be their for the child when needed,they write their own oath,they do not renounce any God,they don't even have to be Pagan. It is necessary to have one godparent who is a Catholic. If you choose only one godparent, you are free to choose a male or a female. : Has anyone had their baby baptised and had more than two godparents? However, if you wish to have two godparents, there must be one male and one . Must regularly practice the faith. The church also started a program to provide financial assistance to transgender persons in need of sex reassignment surgery. For Baptism, every child must have at least one Godparent and no more than two Godparents. You may select two godparents; only one is required for Baptism. The role of godparent is an important one in the Catholic church. Check out some of the updates that have been happening lately. 5. You need at least two catholic Godparents (male and female), but you can have as . If there are two Godparents, one must be a male and one must be a female. In other words, canon law permits the parents of an infant to choose a Catholic and a non-Catholic Christian as "godparents," and exteriorly they may both appear to assume these roles at the . If your sister is in a same-sex relationship, she is living in a situation that is objectively and blatantly against Church teaching. male or female, but may have two sponsors, one male and one female. Only one godparent is necessary but, if there are two, Canon Law states they must be male and female, not two males or two females. If they are Eastern, an Eastern Orthodox, yes. Can you have 2 godmothers Catholic? That godparent's name is entered into the parish record book as the "official" godparent or sponsor for baptism. The role of Sponsor ( Godparent ) is very specific. Although there is no official maximum number of godparents, three or four is usual. "In so far as possible, a person being baptised is to be assigned a . Other criteria. 7. Further, if there are two, one must be male and one must be female. No, you cannot have two sets of Godparents . Necessity. A Godparent/sponsor must be a Sacramentally Confirmed Catholic who has already received Holy Communion. How many godparents does a girl have? 873). Though it is ideal to select two Catholic godparents, (one female, one male) the Church only requires that there be one godparent. 2. If you choose more than two godparents, one or two may have their names entered into the book as "official" godparents, and the . In such a case, their sponsorship as godparents would be illicit (not in conformity with the law of the Church), but the baptism would . Godparents - can you have more than two? The canonical requirements for godparents for Baptism and sponsors for Confirmation are the following: Must be a Catholic who is baptized and confirmed. A: A godparent is someone who helps a child grow in the faith, especially by example. Godparents can not be the father, the mother, or the spouse, of the person who is to be baptized. The two godparents don't have to be married to each other, but there can only be one male sponsor or one female sponsor, or one of each. In the past in the Catholic Church, it was understood that godparents would become the legal guardians of the child in case of the parents' untimely . There may be only one male sponsor or one female sponsor or one of each (c. 873), but if there are two sponsors, they should not be of the same sex. This is canon law, not negotiable. Can the person to be baptized have two Godparents and two Sponsors? If one is chosen, he/she must be an actively practicing Catholic (see requirements below). I was wondering if anyone had done this and if so how they went . Traditionally, it was always 3, two of the same sex as your child and one of the other but it is not set in stone, my children both have 4 each, a mixture of family and friends. If the grandparents me. Strictly speaking, a person only needs one sponsor for baptism — male or female, but may have two sponsors, one male and one female. Whether selecting godparents or sponsors, only two people may fill these roles. This article will give some insights into this wonderful Catholic baptismal tradition. Trent Horn: You always have to have at least one Catholic involved, male, female, one of them has got to be Catholic. 872 Insofar as possible, a person to be baptized is to be given a sponsor who assists an adult in Christian initiation or together with the parents presents an infant for baptism. In other words, you can't have two godfathers or two godmothers. We have plenty of dual god mothers in my catholic family. According to the teachings of the Catholic Church, during the Sacrament of Baptism, a child can only have two Godparents (Sponsors), a male and a female. a) solemn. Also, in the case of an emergency, such as imminent death, no sponsor is needed. What gender should the godparent be? ST. MARYS (KSNT) - A Catholic church located in St. Marys is getting a major makeover. A. 867-868; Catechism of the Catholic Church 1251) Parents are responsible for bringing their child to the Sacrament of Baptism as soon after birth as possible. A. The child is baptized in the faith of their parents, godparents and of the Church. Its better like you say to have two that you completely trust than just asking people as its expected to have more. 2. I would love any advice you might have regarding the Catholic Church's views. beliefs of the Catholic Church. Every child should have at least three godparents, two of the same sex and at least one of the opposite sex to your child. "Only two go on the register, but . A baptized non-Catholic may be permitted to serve at a Catholic baptism, but only in company with another, Catholic sponsor, and simply as a witness. Two godparents are strongly recommended. There can be up to two godparents, a male and a female, for a single child. 3.9/5 (3,423 Views . Church will get all panic thinking lesbians, but clearly state names and SIL/aunt CATHOLIC status. The Old Catholic Church has been affirming and welcoming of transgender members.

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